
A well-known location for the practice of Wetu Telu in Lombok is the Bayan area, which is located in North Lombok Regency. Bayan Village is located in the northern part of Lombok Island which is in the Bayan District, North Lombok Regency. The village, which rains 1,200-1,500 mm with an average temperature of 28 – 300C, is located at an altitude of 400 – 600 mdl with mountainous areas. Bayan Village oversees 9 (nine) hamlets, namely Hamlet Bayan Barat, Hamlet Bayan Timur, Hamlet Padamangku, Hamlet Tereng Genit, Hamlet Dasan Tutul, Hamlet Sembulan, Hamlet Mendala and Hamlet Lokok Aur.[2] The boundaries of the Bayan Village area are in the north bordering Anyar Village, south bordering the forest, west bordering Senaru Village, east bordering Sambi Elen Village. The population of Bayan Village (in 2010) is 47,705 people with 12,470 families.

Wetu Telu itself has several meanings. First, Wetu Telu means three ways of reproduction of living things. Second, Wetu Telu means three sources of law in Islam. Third, Wetu Telu means three stages of development that humans pass through. Wetu Telu which refers to three ways of reproduction of living things, namely giving birth or giving birth, laying or laying eggs, and mentiuk or seeds. Wetu Telu related to three sources of law have similarities with Islam in general, namely the Qur’an, Al-Hadith and Ijma.The third meaning of Wetu Telu relates to the three stages that humans must pass through, namely birth, life and death. This is the basis for people who adhere to the Wetu Telu belief in carrying out various traditional ceremonies. In general, the Wetu Telu Islamic traditional ceremony can be divided into two, namely Gawe Urip and Gawe Pati. Gawe Urip is a life ceremony, which includes ceremonies during the birth and life processes and Gawe Pati itself is a death ceremony.